Thursday, August 8, 2013

Acid Reflux Disease Causes List

Several things an trigger acid reflux conditions and this may result to heartburn attacks. Some of these common factors include the following:

Alcohol consumption
Weight problems
Smoking cigarettes
Acid indigestion
Intake of spicy foods
Certain drugs
Caffeinated and carbonated beverages
Laying down after eating

The common indicators of the situation, on the other hand, include the following:

Symptoms of heartburn
Nausea or vomiting
Sore throat
Wheezing cough
Chest pain
Weight loss

In severe cases of acid reflux disease, men and women can experience asthma and dental erosion. In case the indications mentioned above takes place for an extended time, it would be best to seek advice from your physician. A consultation is also required in case acid reflux remedies cannot provide relief from the problem as well.

Trigger Foods for Acid Reflux Disease

Acidic Foods: foods filled with large quantities of acid can lead to the condition. Vegatables and fruits, such as tomatoes, pineapples and grapefruits are all acidic by nature and needs to be avoided whenever possible.

Spicy Foods: foods for example peppers and chilies could cause a burning sensation within the stomach that can reach the chest. Fast foods could also upset the stomach and lead to an acid reflux disorder episode. In addition to that, too much eating of garlic and onion should also be avoided, as this is harmful to the illness.

Alcohol: consuming alcohol can dry out the body. This could improve the levels of gastric juices within the stomach, therefore resulting to acidity. Acid reflux disorder typically happens in individuals with alcohol allergies.

Carbonated Beverages: carbonated beverages are considered as aerated, this means it can enhance the pressure within the stomach, thereby causing increased acidity and this can also lead to acid reflux disorder.

Caffeine: high concentration of caffeine is found in coffee and when consumed, this can encourage the production of acid in the stomach. People who drink coffee exceedingly are at risk of developing the ailment. If you cannot proceed through the day without a coffee, it would be better to opt for the decaffeinated type to protect yourself from the condition.

Meat: many people are unaware of it, but those that have fragile stomach may have difficulties processing meat. Various meat, like beef and pork, can increase acid production as compared to turkey, fish and chicken. Considering the fact that meat can cause acid reflux disorder, it would be best to trim down the intake of it and prevent the condition.

Dairy: those people who are accustomed to consuming milk before bedtime needs to be careful as well. Remember that milk can boost the secretion of acid in the stomach, consequently increasing the potential for acid reflux. To avoid this, ensure that you lessen the consumption of dairy foods, particularly when your stomach is full.

Apart from the trigger foods stated previously, there are other varieties of foods that could also trigger the condition, such as processed foods, chocolate and vinegar. To avoid the illness, make sure that you remove these food types from your meals and pick a nutritious acid reflux diet instead, which is focused entirely on foods that can help prevent acid reflux episodes. If you were unaware of the foods that are ideal for acid reflux, it would be best to talk to your doctor or seek the advice of a dietician before switching to a new diet plan.

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